1. Establish in a bed of the block of cylinders inserts of radical bearings with flutes and oil them engine. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kW oil engine and install persistent half rings in the average radical bearing (pro-points to cheeks of a bent shaft). |
2. Oil engine necks of a bent shaft and lay a shaft on beds of bearings. |
3. Insert into covers of radical bearings inserts without flutes and oil them engine. |
4. At all engines, except the 1,0 l engine, oil engine persistent half rings and insert them into a cover of the average radical bearing (pro-points to cheeks of a bent shaft). |
5. Establish covers of radical bearings on tags on them (sideways on covers numbers of bearings are beaten out). The first bearing is considered from the camshaft drive. |
6. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings for engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW the moment of 75 N · m, for the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kW are 65 N · m, then tighten for 90 °. First of all tighten bolts of an average cover (third), then next to it (second and fourth) and in the last turn extreme (first and fifth). Turn a bent shaft, it has to rotate easily, without jammings. |
7. Establish the holder of a back epiploon. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW previously oil engine a working edge of an epiploon, and on the holder and a carving of bolts of fastening of the holder apply Loctite 574 sealant. Tighten bolts the moment of 8 N · m. |
8. Establish a flywheel, considering that on all engines, except engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW, establish it only in one situation because of an asymmetrical arrangement of openings. Replace bolts of fastening of a flywheel with new and tighten their moment 60 N · m, then tighten on 90 °. |
9. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW grease necks and cams of the camshaft with engine oil and install a shaft in the block of cylinders. Establish a lock plate 9 (see rice. The camshaft of engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW) also tighten bolts of the 10th its fastening the moment of 5 N · m. |
10. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW establish sleeves of cylinders so that they did not concern each other. Check a vystupaniye of sleeves (see subsection 2.13.2). |
11. Put on the piston a rod so that an arrow on the bottom of the piston and a ledge In (see rice. Details of conrod and piston group of the engine with a capacity of 1,4 l, 55 both 74 kW and rice. Details of conrod and piston group of the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kW) on the lower head of a rod were sent to one party. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW of the shooter it is sent to distributive to a shaft and located from an opening In (see rice. Details of conrod and piston group of engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW) in a rod for lubricant of a piston finger. Besides, pistons have to be one weight group on weight (the designation "+" or "-" groups is beaten out on the piston bottom). Oil engine a piston finger and implant it into the piston with a rod. Establish lock rings of a piston finger in flutes on the piston. If the finger too hardly enters piston openings, heat the piston to 60 °C. |
12. Install on ring pistons. It is the best of all to do it by means of a stripper of piston rings. At petrol engines an oil scraper ring compound therefore it needs to be established manually, having accurately parted locks of rings. Rings establish by inscription TORAHS up, to the piston bottom. Rings have to turn freely in piston flutes, and their locks to settle down at an angle 120 ° to each other. |
13. Insert inserts of bearings into the lower heads of rods and a cover of rods. At diesel engines on the top inserts the black strip on a working surface about edge is put. At engines of 1,4 l, 50 kW the fixing ledges of inserts have to enter grooves of a rod and a cover, at other dvigadvigatel it is necessary to establish inserts so that the head of a rod and a cover acted on width on both sides of an insert on identical distance. Oil inserts engine. |
14. Squeeze a mandrel piston rings and accurately insert a rod with the piston into the cylinder, at the same time the arrow has to be directed to the bottom of the piston to the camshaft drive (at engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW of the shooter it is directed towards the camshaft). The mandrel for compression of rings has to be pressed to the block of cylinders. Striking with the hammer handle the piston bottom, move it from a mandrel in the cylinder. |
15. At the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kW pistons install in the first and second cylinders by the dredging under the inlet valve (the bigger size) directed to a back part of the engine (flywheel), and in the third and fourth cylinders – to a forward part (the camshaft drive), as shown in the drawing. |
16. Establish a rod cover with an insert on a rod, at the same time numbers of the cylinder which are beaten out on a cover and a rod have to settle down on one party. |
17. Wrap conrod bolts, at the engine of 1,4 l, 50 kW – a nut of conrod bolts. At all engines, except 1,4 l, 50 kW, replace conrod bolts with new, having oiled engine before a wraparound their carving and a surface of a head adjoining to a cover. Tighten bolts (at the engine of 1,4 l, 50 kW – a nut of conrod bolts) on engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 55 and 74 kW the moment of 20 N · m, then tighten for 90 °; on engines of 1,4 l, 50 kW there are 40 N · m; on diesel engines of 1,9 l, 74 kW there are 30 N · m, then tighten for 90 °. |
18. At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kW and 1,4 l, 50 kW establish distributive gear wheels (see subsection 2.5) and a cover of distributive gear wheels. |
19. Install the oil pump (see subsection 3.3). |
20. Apply sealant on a flange of an oil case, establish a case and wrap bolts of its fastening. |
21. At the diesel engine pick up laying of a head of the block for thickness. For this purpose measure a vystupaniye of pistons in VMT over the top plane of the block, as shown in the drawing. Depending on the size of a vystupaniye of pistons pick up new laying, at the same time it is necessary to consider the largest size of a vystupaniye. |
22. In spare parts deliver laying of various thickness which marks number of openings 3 (see rice. Marking of laying of a head of the block of cylinders of the diesel engine). Laying 0,91-1,0 mm thick has one opening, 1,01-1,10 mm thick – two openings, 1,11-1,20 mm thick – three openings. |
23. Establish a head of the block of cylinders (see subsection 2.7) and the hinged equipment of the engine. |