Switch (lock) of ignition
1 – ignition switch;
2 – steering column;
I, II and III – provisions of a key in the ignition switch
The switch of 1 ignition is combined with the anti-theft device locking steering.
The key in the switch of ignition can hold three positions.
Situation I – ignition is switched off. The key is taken out. At the taken-out key steering is blocked. For switching off of the anti-theft device it is necessary to insert a key into the switch of ignition and, slightly turning a steering wheel to the right-to the left, to turn a key from situation I clockwise.
If you took out a key from the ignition switch, but forgot to switch off external lighting, then when opening a door of the driver the sound signal will be distributed.
Do not take out a key from the ignition switch during the movement of the car, otherwise the steering column can be blocked by the anti-theft device and the car will become uncontrollable.
Situation II – ignition is included. The key is not taken out. Steering is unblocked.
Situation III – ignition and a starter are included. It is reached by turn of a key to the full clockwise with overcoming effort of a spring. Steering is unblocked. In such situation the key is not fixed – for work of a starter he needs to be kept a hand.